Tookta is in 12th grade and has a GPA of 3.23.
Her parents are rice farmers. She receives 500B ($15 USD a month), and has an older sister in college studying “Police Nurse”
Tookta wants to be a nurse.
Students who attend Khon Kaen Welfare School
Tookta is in 12th grade and has a GPA of 3.23.
Her parents are rice farmers. She receives 500B ($15 USD a month), and has an older sister in college studying “Police Nurse”
Tookta wants to be a nurse.
Nuy is in 12th grade and has a GPA of 3.38
Her parents are rice farmers, and she receives 1,500B a month ($50 USD)
Nuy wants to be a nurse or an English Teacher.
Gif is in 12th grade and has a GPA of 3.40.
Her parents are rice farmers. She has a twin sister – nicknamed Golf, and has two younger sisters.
She wants to be an Engineer
Im is in 12th grade and has a GPA of 3.62
Her parents are rice farmers. Her mother is sick, her father died when she was 13 years old. She has one sister.
Im wants to be a lawyer – “because society is not fair in Thailand, so I want to give more rights to the poor.” Also, to be a nurse.
Iew is in 12th Grade and has a GPA of 3.46
Her parents are rice farmers and her Mother has liver cancer, so she is very sick.
Iew wants to be a nurse – because she wants to take care of her mother and take care of people.